Tiger Disk 12
hase & wolf
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Commodore BASIC
101 lines
1 poke788,49:poke808,225
4 printchr$(14);chr$(8)
5 poke 53281,14:poke53280,4:rem backgr. hellblau,rahmen violett
6 fi$="f.b.[211]oftware-[208]rojects[145]"
10 dim r(11),a$(11):poke 650,128
790 x=3
800 v=61:print"[147][144] ********** [200]ase und [215]olf ***********"
801 print" [197]in [200]ase hat sich in einem [204]abyrinth"
802 print" verirrt. [197]in [215]olf ist ihm auf der":print" [211]pur."
803 print" [201]m [204]abyrinth liegen verschiedene [196]inge, die der [200]ase";
804 print" fressen und so"
805 print" [208]unkte sammeln kann."
806 print" [193]chte auch auf [196]eine [218]eit ! [146]"
810 print" [176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
811 print" [221] [196]ie [194]esten 10 [211]pieler [221]"
812 print" [171][192][192][206]ame[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][178][192][208]unkte[192][179] [211]pielstart"
813 print" [221] [221] [160][160][160][160][160][160][160][221] mit"
814 print" [221] [221][160] [160][160][160][160][160][160][221]"
815 print" [221] [221][160] [160][160][160][160][160][160][221] '[198][197][213][197][210]'"
816 print" [221] [221][160] [160][160][160][160][160][160][221]"
817 print" [221] [221] [160][160][160][160][160][160][160][221]"
818 print" [221] [221] [160][160][160][160][160][160][160][221]"
819 print" [221] [221] [160][160][160][160][160][160][160][221]"
820 print" [221] [221] [160][160][160][160][160][160][160][221]"
821 print" [221] [221][160] [160][160][160][160][160][160][221] ([208]ort 2)"
822 print" [221] [221][160] [160][160][160][160][160][160][221]"
823 print" [173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][177][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
824 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
825 for i=1 to 10:print""a$(i);tab(19)r(i):next:print"[144]":printfi$
826 if (not(peek(56320))and16) then830
827 goto 826
829 u=0:z=r(1):n=0
830 rem
999 a=2:b=10:c=36:d=4:hv=g-74*n:n=n+1
1000 z=r(1):print"[147] [146]"
1001 print" [146] . . . * / . / . [146]"
1002 print" [146] [146]. [146] [146] [146]"
1003 print" [146] [146] [146]* [146] [146]"
1004 print" [146]. [146] [146] [146] [146]"
1005 print" [146] [146] [146]. . / [146]"
1006 print" [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
1007 print" [146]/ [146]. [146] "
1008 print" [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
1009 print" [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
1010 print" [146] [146] . [146] [146] [146]"
1011 print" [146]/ [146] [146] [146] [146]"
1012 print" [146] [146] [146]/ [146]* [146]"
1013 print" [146] . . [146] [146] [146]"
1014 print" [146]. / [146]. [146] [146] [146]"
1015 print" [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
1016 print" [146] [146] . [146]/ [146]"
1017 print" [146] [146]* [146]/ [146] [146]"
1018 print" [146] [146] [146] [146] [146]"
1019 print" [146]* . / [146] . . [146]"
1020 print" [146]":printfi$
1220 js=(not(peek(56320)))
1230 a1=a:b1=b
1240 if js and 8 then a=a+1:goto 1280
1250 if js and 4 then a=a-1:goto 1280
1260 if js and 1 then b=b-1:goto 1280
1270 if js and 2 then b=b+1
1280 f=peek(1024+a+40*b)
1290 if f=160 then a=a1:b=b1:goto 1360
1300 if f=46 then g=g+1
1310 if f=47 then g=g+3
1320 if f=42 then g=g+5
1330 if a>37 then a=2:b=10
1340 if a<2 then a=37:b=10
1350 poke 1024+a1+40*b1,32:poke 1024+a+40*b,72
1360 c1=c:d1=d
1370 f=peek(1024+(c+1)+40*d):if f<>160 and a>c then c=c+1:goto1410
1380 f=peek(1024+(c-1)+40*d):if f<>160 and a<c then c=c-1:goto1410
1390 f=peek(1024+c+40*(d+1)):if f<>160 and b>d then d=d+1:goto1410
1400 f=peek(1024+c+40*(d-1)):if f<>160 and b<d then d=d-1
1410 f1=f
1420 if f=160 then c=c1:d=d1:goto 1490
1430 if f=72 or (a=c and b=d) then v=0:u=u+74-74*n-g:hv=hv+u:goto 999
1440 poke 1024+c+40*d,87:poke 1024+c1+40*d1,f1
1450 print"[210]ecord:";tab(10)"[208]unkte:";tab(20)"[204]eben:";tab(30)"[218]eit:"
1460 print" ";z;tab(11);g;tab(21);x;tab(30);int(v);"[157] "
1470 v=v-0.25
1480 if v<=0 then x=x-1:v=61:goto 999
1490 if x<1 then gosub 1540:x=3:g=0:n=0:goto 790
1500 if g=74*n+hv and v>0 then 999
1530 goto 1220
1540 if g<=r(10) then return
1550 na$="": ic=1:print"[147][196]ein [206]ame: [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
1552 print"";
1554 get ta$
1555 if(ta$>chr$(31) and ta$<chr$(91)) and ic<15 then gosub 1600
1556 if(ta$>chr$(192) and ta$<chr$(219)) and ic<15 then gosub 1600
1557 if(ta$=chr$(20)orta$=chr$(157))andic>1then gosub 1601
1558 if ta$=chr$(13) then 1560
1559 goto 1554
1560 for i=10 to 1 step-1
1562 if g>r(i) then a$(i+1)=a$(i):a$(i)=na$:r(i+1)=r(i):r(i)=g
1564 next i:g=0:goto 790
1599 end
1600 na$=na$+ta$:ic=ic+1:printta$;:return
1601 na$=left$(na$,len(na$)-1):print"[157][164][157]";:ic=ic-1:return